Taiwan Tea Entrepreneurs Brew Up New Twists
Moving beyond the initial success of “bubble tea”, new wave of entrepreneurs hopes a high-end modern take on traditional brews will also be sipped worldwide.
Glass Tea Kettle by KitchenAid
The American kitchen appliance brand will soon change the way you drink tea.
Jean-Paul Gaultier for Kusmi Tea
The limited edition teas have the couturier’s signature sailor stripes, seaside blue, and rebel tattoos.
British tea shop creates ‘breathable’ tea
A gourmet tea shop in London has created breathable tea that’s supposed to deliver antioxidant properties more quickly to the bloodstream.
Goring Hotel named London’s top afternoon tea place
An annual award described as the ‘Oscars’ of the tea world in the UK has named high tea at The Goring Hotel in London the best in class.
Custom Tea Trunk by Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton has created 3 special-order tea trunks carrying tea sets designed by Hsiao Fan Pottery Art to celebrate the opening of its Taipei 101 Maison.