
The Most Expensive Fictional Houses

Forbes just came out with its first ever ranking of the most expensive houses in the world – that don’t actually exist. All the properties had to be primarily residences and they excluded castles. The most expensive fictional house, according to Forbes, is Xanadu, the home of newspaper baron Charles Foster Kane in Citizen Kane, […]

Dec 24, 2008 | By Luxuo

Forbes just came out with its first ever ranking of the most expensive houses in the world – that don’t actually exist. All the properties had to be primarily residences and they excluded castles.

The most expensive fictional house, according to Forbes, is Xanadu, the home of newspaper baron Charles Foster Kane in Citizen Kane, at $160 million. The house is modeled on Hearst Castle (above), the real life San Simeon, Calif., estate of media mogul William Randolph Hearst.

Xanadu was supposed to have been built on a private mountain from 20,000 tons of marble and 100,000 trees. It contained enough art for 10 museums, and the grounds were home to the world’s largest private zoo.

In the #2 spot is Richie Rich’s cartoon mansion, complete with diamond-walled swimming pool, at $135 million. Elsewhere on the list: Tony Stark’s bachelor pad in Iron Man, at $50.8 million; Gone With the Wind’s antebellum plantation Tara, at $17.2 million; Croft Manor from Tomb Raider, at $46.1 million; and Jay Gatsby’s Long Island mansion from The Great Gatsby, $42.5 million.

Burns Manor from The Simpsons, worth $127 million, features a bottomless pit, a room containing 1,000 monkeys banging on 1,000 typewriters and a robotic Richard Simmons. And Batman’s home, Wayne Manor, valued at $105 million, includes access to a 27,000 square-foot, climate-controlled cave system, as well as sleeping quarters for “teenage wards.”

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