“2D or not 2D” by Valeriya Kutson and Alexander Khokhlov
Poster art inspired images transform the perceptions of visual reality.

A recent collaboration between make-up artist Valeriya Kutsan and Russian Photographer Alexander Khokhlov incorporates the use of face paint, experimental photography and digital retouching to transform the faces of models into two-dimensional images. These new variations of techniques adopted by the pair has launched their most recent series of face art, aptly named ‘2D or not 2D’. By incorporating the expertise of Digital artist Veronica Ershova, they was able to transform their poster art inspired pieces into captivating images that has transformed the perceptions of visual reality.
Looking back at the evolution of their work from their first series of black and white photos launched in 2012 titled ‘Weird Beauty’, the duo’s decision to make the move into colour imaging is most definitely a step in the right direction and we look forward to more fascinating work in the near future. Click here to see more works by kutson and khokhlov!