Uncover the Singapore Tale with Swatch
Take a trip down memory lane
Think of a Swatch watch and splashes of colours and prints inevitably come to mind. Undoubtedly, one of Swatch’s greatest attributes is its customisable feature. This has allowed Swatch watches to be a canvas for artists to express their creativity and artistic flair. From minimal to over the top designs, Swatch allows almost any design to take the form of its watches – even visual representations of various countries, like its Destination Watches collection.
Next Stop: The Story of Singapore
As its name suggests, the Destination Watch collection features a line of watches inspired by a particular city or place. Each watch has designs that are culturally-specific to each city with symbolic motifs that pay homage to its local artistry. This year, Swatch launched the “Singapore Tale” watch, appropriately designed by a local artist and illustrator Tan Zi Xi.
The first glance at the watch would be a surprise encounter for most since it comes in a colour scheme that is not an immediate representation of our little red dot. While featuring iconic landmarks, symbols and food that are emblematic of Singapore, the watch is deliberately designed in blue and white – colours one would recognise on traditional Peranakan tiles which adorn the local shophouses in the seventies, vividly capturing the diversity of local culture.
A Singapore Tale told through Swatch is also a trip down memory lane. Many locals will realise that the design incorporates imageries of traditional ice cream carts and the iconic dragon playground reminiscent of their childhood. Being the first Destination watch to feature a city outside of Switzerland, the success of this watch narrates Swatch’s understanding of being culturally specific.
Owning a watch like this does not only allow one to have a slice of Singapore but a piece of history that is equal part symbolic and nostalgic on the wrist, round the clock (pun intended).