TOP 10 most searched for hotel spas in China
The spa at the Banyan Tree Hotel features as the most popular hotel spa on the web in China, followed by the spa at the Shangri-la and the Intercontinental spa.

The spa at the Banyan Tree Hotel features as the most popular hotel spa on the web in China, followed by the spa at the Shangri-la and the Intercontinental spa, according to a survey carried out between January and March this year.
According to the survey, the spa at the luxury five-star hotel and resort Banyan Tree came on the top of the list with 40 percent of all internet searches between the months of January and March in mainland China.
The Banyan Tree opened its first spa in Phuket Thailand with a tropical garden spa concept offering traditional Eastern healing therapies such as the “cooling summer package” which includes a tropical fruit scrub followed by a Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage which uses thumb, palm and elbow techniques.
The Banyan Tree has four hotels in China in the cities of Ligiang, Sanya, Hangzhou and Ringha, and is planning to open 13 more properties in the country.
The spa at the Shangri-la came second on the list. The hotel already has 25 properties in mainland China and is planning to add 23 more.
The report The world luxury index China: Hotels was carried out by Digital Luxury Group between January and March 2012.
The survey analyzed more than 170 million online searches in either English or Chinese covering 68 brands in more than 75 domestic and international destinations generated in China. Ninety-one percent of the searches came from Chinese search engine Baidu, and around 9 percent came from Google.
Top ten most searched for spas list
1. Banyan Tree
2. Shangri-La
3. Intercontinental
4. Six Senses
5. Ritz‑Carlton
6. Four Seasons
7. Nikko
8. Angsana9. Sofitel
10. Park Hyatt