The most photographed monument on Tripadvisor?
5,200 photos of The Eiffel Tower have been uploaded and shared on TripAdvisor over the last 13 years, more than any other landmark or site in the world.
On the largest travel review site in the world, there is one monument that has emerged as the most photographed and shared among users. The monument in question: none other than the Eiffel Tower.
Around 5,200 photos of The Iron Lady have been shared on TripAdvisor over the last 13 years, more than any other landmark in the world including the Colosseum in Rome, which nabbed second spot.
To pay homage to the iconic French tower, TripAdvisor has created a mosaic using 500 of the photos submitted.
It’s not the first time the Eiffel Tower has been named as the most photographed landmark in the world. In 2009, researchers from Cornell University mined the nearly 35 million images posted by 300,000 users of photo-sharing site Flickr, and came up with the same result.
A few years later in 2011, the listing changed, with the Empire State Building in New York knocking the Eiffel Tower into fourth spot.
According to a study, the 324-meter structure is also worth 435 billion euros, a sum deduced after factoring in everything from the monument’s image, branding, esthetic quality, and monetary value.