HP Vivienne Tam Laptop Special Edition
Fashion designer vivenne tam was invited by hewlett packard to create a special edition notebook.

Fashion designer vivenne tam was invited by hewlett packard to create a special edition notebook.
Looking more like a ladies purse than a computer the notebook features a peony floral print on top of a red background.
The peony has a unique blend of Asian and Western cultures, ancient and modern, technology and fashion.
It was inspired by Vivienne Tam China Chic style recognized from the runways in Milan, for the Olympic Games in Beijing and represents his personal mantra to live well and be beautiful.
Tam not only designed the notebook but also its accessories and packaging. The notebook also has an additional storage embroidered sleeve which keeps the outside while being transported protected as a clutch.
At only 2.25 lbs and a mere 1″ thin, it’s the perfect accessory. You can get yours now by calling 1-800-230-5752 or online at HP MiniVT.
By making a reservation now, you are guaranteed one in early December ($700 with the colorful, protective Vivienne Tam silk sleeve).