
5 Developments In Cloud Computing

As the professional working world continues to evolve in the ongoing pandemic, several developments in cloud computing are essential to understand.

Oct 29, 2021 | By Joseph Low
cloud computing
Image: wynpnt/Pixabay

During the Covid-19 crisis, companies relied more than ever on reliable cloud computing providers as millions of workers were doing their jobs away from the office. No longer could a large company’s staff be concentrated in one building with servers in the basement.

These days, workers are doing vital tasks remotely, and cloud computing keeps them connected and productive. As the professional working world continues to evolve in the ongoing pandemic, several developments in the field are essential to understand.

Edge Computing

As the decentralisation of company servers and information is ongoing, edge computing is becoming more critical. Edge computing puts computing and data storage near where it is created and used, unlike a traditional, centralised cloud.

Processing on the network’s edge means responsiveness is faster, and there’s more bandwidth available for labour-intensive processes.

This year, we expect 5G rollout and artificial intelligence (AI) to result in more edge technology uses; Forrester reports this surge in edge computing could remove up to five points from spending on the public cloud.

It is thought that edge computing and cloud computing will compete with one another and provide real-time computing experiences, which is a plus for all of us involved. As the people behind note, the future of computing is here, and it’s all about harnessing power for faster, smoother performance. Also, more and more companies are using edge computing to manage internet of things (IoT) devices, which could become a $1.3 trillion market in the next few years.

Also, the Internet of Things (IoT) is growing at a blistering pace, and this should speed the adoption of edge computing. IoT products can gather vital data, but they have no room to store or process it. The use of the edge allows these devices to handle data processing locally to offer fast results.

Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning Join The Cloud

computers, people, machine learning
Image: Scott Graham/Unsplash

AI and machine learning are critical for many kinds of organisations today. For example, employees can use machine learning as a process to leverage a vast amount of data to a complex algorithm.

When AI gets involved, all types of helpful services are possible, such as vision, speech, translation, and text analytics.

If we leverage machine learning and AI with the cloud, it’s highly reliable and affordable. And don’t be surprised if it improves the efficiency and productivity of your company.

Hybrid Cloud

This is a mix of a public and private cloud. The hybrid cloud means applications and data can be more easily combined and shared.

Hybrid clouds are helpful when organisations own more than a single public cloud with deployment onsite. This type of cloud means greater flexibility, and the company can transfer their most sensitive data onto private networks.

It is theorised that using a hybrid cloud is vital to improve productivity and efficiency for many large companies. The hybrid cloud also is a viable option for businesses that want more effective security and data control at a reasonable cost.

Serverless Computing

computer codes
Image: Ilya Pavlov/Unsplash

Serverless computing was already massive in 2020, but it’s getting more significant this year. Serverless computing means it’s easier to grow Function as a Service or FaaS. So, software developers may devise functions in the public cloud when needed. There is no longer a need to deal with complicated infrastructures to create many processes on multiple clouds.

Digitisation In The Healthcare Space

Technology today is focused on tons of data and is on the lookout for the best way to use it. This is the way things are going in healthcare. There has been an enormous shift to the digitisation of healthcare data.

Going forward, the efficient delivery of healthcare and working effectively with patients will be vital to cloud computing. What remains to be seen is how we can use cloud computing to provide security and privacy to healthcare data.

If there’s anything we know about the cloud, technology will change and move forward if you blink. So, it always pays to keep an eye on how cloud computing evolves so your company can meet new challenges.

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