Rachael Sacerdoti: Building The Best Version of Yourself with It’s So Simple
“What began as a WhatsApp group amongst a few friends became the start of It’s So Simple. It sparked a real passion in me.”

You are now a recognised coach worldwide. How did the idea of launching It’s So Simple come to you?
The true genesis of the idea was my personal transformation. After having my children, I found myself in a place where I was very unhappy. I had really let myself go and struggled to cope both physically and mentally. After one of my brothers pulled me aside to share his concern, I realised something had to change. I set out on a journey with little more than determination, and it set me on a path. I lost over 30kg and gained a whole new mindset.
When Covid-19 hit and lockdowns came into force, a few friends asked for my help to keep them on the right track as gyms had closed. What began as a WhatsApp group amongst a few friends became the start of It’s So Simple. It sparked a real passion in me. I love being able to provide support and coaching to women, thus making their journey simpler and less lonely. By word-of-mouth recommendation and an Instagram account, we have been able to reach six continents in the world.
You are a qualified Personal Trainer. Talking about your path, you mentioned that “The main ingredients in my personal transformation were: determination, desire, knowledge, and consistency. Once you change your mindset into believing this, you can do anything you want”. Tell us more there?

I strongly advocate that if you believe you can achieve something, you can. For me, this belief and determination were what fuelled my transformation. It wasn’t a linear journey. At the outset, I did not have all the knowledge I needed and there were difficult times. But when I set my mind to something, I am extremely determined. So, I pushed myself, I learnt, and I overcame. I realised that there are no secrets to this — it is a mixture of education, attitude and accountability, and so I have designed It’s So Simple to save other women from making the same mistakes I made and to equip them with the environment, tools, support and accountability to succeed.
It’s So Simple features exercises, nutritional meal plans, progress tracking, personal consultation and a community group. How unique is this proposition? Why is there such a rapid success across the globe?
The science of nutrition and exercise is no secret and accessible to all. The real secret sauce of It’s So Simple is the support and accountability. I have walked in our clients’ shoes, as have all of our coaches, who have also completed the programme. The community element is critical too. We have a special group of like-minded women from different cultures, religions and countries. We really care. I believe that It’s So Simple is the highest touch online coaching programme you can find. We are by your side for everything related to your health and wellness and as a result, our clients genuinely value this. The community has become a central part of some of our clients’ lives. We have had weddings, births and shared many difficult times together.
You have been quoting saying, “Weight loss is very much a science. If the calories we take in are less than what we use up through activity, we will lose fat. The overarching idea here is that we want to consume less calories than we are typically using every day”. It sounds appealing and straightforward! What makes It’s So Simple addictive and rather painless?
Without a doubt, it is the community and support. Although the science is simple, it is not always easy. By working with us, our clients gain the support and guidance of our passionate coaches, cheering them on and providing constant feedback. The coaches and the group setting also help our clients to stay accountable. We are social beings, and it is always harder to let the group down than to let ourselves down. We help our clients to create virtuous cycles, embedding new habits. When you see other women in the same situation going through similar challenges and (also celebrating the same small wins) you just want to keep going.
For women into low impact exercise, is the programme still effective?
We have worked with women in their 70s and with injuries that prevented them from undertaking HIIT workouts. We constantly tailor the programme to the individual circumstances of each client. The programme still works for the women who are on low impact. Exercise is only one ingredient of the programme, and we can be very flexible to work within our client’s capabilities.
How long do the It’s So Simple clients need to wait to see the first results?
Every journey is different, but often, our clients start to feel and look different after only two weeks. It is one of my favourite parts of the job when clients see the first shoots of success.
Some of our LUXUO readers who are not based in the UK, can they still the It’s So Simple programme worldwide?

Absolutely! Our clients come from all over the world! We have clients in six continents, from the USA to South Africa, Australia, the UAE, and my hometown of Singapore. Location is 100 per cent not a barrier. We are purely online and bring women together irrespective of where they are, their culture, religion etc.
ESG concerns are a growing trend. Do you see It’s So Simple as participating in the global movement?
Definitely! At the moment, we are still a small company with limited resources, but I would love to broaden our impact in the world.
Will you be working one day on developing smart accessories that aim at improving daily fitness routines?
Who knows what the future holds! At present, we are working at full pace to grow the current programme and its reach around the world. We are open to looking at any opportunities that come our way.
You have witnessed an amazing success with It’s So Simple. Where do you see yourself and the company in five years’ time?

I would love to see the business continue to grow and make a difference to more people’s lives. Growing the team has also given me immense joy; some of my team members are women returning to the workforce after time out to look after young children.
I am also thrilled to say that we have lots of exciting plans in the works.
What is the main quality an entrepreneur should always have?
Passion! To me, this is so much more than a business. I want to make a difference to our clients and help them achieve their goals. If I weren’t passionate about what I do, I would not be able to put in as much as I do. It would be easy to become resentful about the sacrifices it takes to grow a business.
Your favourite advice to modern active women?

Be gentle with yourself. Address yourself with a loving, kind voice and take the time to take care of yourself. The world puts massive demands on us, and only by looking after ourselves can we show up in the best way possible to meet those challenges.
How do you keep connected with the fashion world in which you grew up? Any regret in not working for a large French or Italian luxury house?
Growing up, I was surrounded by fashion, and looks were super important to all those around me. I was fortunate enough to work for Christian Dior and my family’s business in New York. I love fashion and style, but I am pleased that I have been able to branch out on my own — no regrets at all. Today my main fashion interests are in athleisure!
Would you like to name a mentor who inspires you in your daily work?
It may sound corny, but my guiding lights in my business life are my parents. Growing up, I watched them grow their business in fashion retail in Singapore. I gained my understanding of business and work ethic from them. Even today, in their 80s, they are an incredible example to me (although not on the fitness side!)
To learn more about It’s So Simple, head over to the website here.
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