V-Technology Rotary Sofa for Yachts
A sofa for those who simply can’t decide, the innovative furniture is set to making a yacht much more personalized.
No matter what anyone tells you, the layout is an important aspect — if not the most important aspect— of a yacht that ensures you provide ample room for guests. With a little help from European firm V-Technology, you can now have an interior space that is versatile. From an entertainment area with two sofas to a circular sofa that allows you to look out and enjoy the view of the ocean, it is hard to choose.
With a semi-circular rotary sofa, the firm allows you to customize the formation of your sofa at the drop of a hat. The engineers at V-Technology utilize a rotary floor, to morph a sofa in multiple positions. With its low installation depth, the sofa can rotate 360° anywhere on the yacht. For those worried about the aesthetic effects or the safety of guests, the design is free of visible rails or drives.
To further ensure that it sits firmly on the floor, the rotary sofa’s electric drive is equipped with brakes that keep the banks from moving due to the movement of the waves. The world of customization never ceases to amaze us but with the smaller details such as a rotating sofa, it is something that we can look forward to.