Inside Robbie Williams’ North Wiltshire mansion
There are seven bedroom suites, a helicopter hangar, a basement pool surrounded by Doric pillars and approached through a lobby whose black-and-white flooring was inspired by the decor of the residence of Pierce Brosnan in The Thomas Crown Affair, plus a formal garden with temples and fountains. An 11th-century church stands close by. These are […]

There are seven bedroom suites, a helicopter hangar, a basement pool surrounded by Doric pillars and approached through a lobby whose black-and-white flooring was inspired by the decor of the residence of Pierce Brosnan in The Thomas Crown Affair, plus a formal garden with temples and fountains. An 11th-century church stands close by.
These are just some of the features of Compton Bassett House, the extensively restored 18th century mansion near Calne in Wiltshire recently bought by the singer Robbie Williams.
Robbie, 34, has paid £8.5 million for the country estate said to be criss-crossed by “ley lines†— invisible mystical energy routes believed to attract UFOs.
His mansion, set in 71 acres, is also bang in the centre of crop circle country — and just yards from an HQ for thousands of people who investigate the field indentations every summer.
Architect Michael Phillips, who was commissioned by the Cripps’ said of Compton House: “The house has every modern system concealed behind and through the most exquisite interior finishes.
“The quality of detailing and installation in this house has been referred to by several national estate agents as the highest standard they have ever witnessed in the UK.”
Source: / The Sun