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Culture / Auctions

Undrcrwn Nooka watch

Footwear and clothing company Undrcrwn have teamed up with cool-watch designers Nooka to produce a very colourful watch! The watch features a striped polyurethane band with a black ZenV display. Nooka is now taking presale orders for the watch and the orders will ship out June 29th. Only 200 watches available – $275

Jun 25, 2009 | By Anakin

Footwear and clothing company Undrcrwn have teamed up with cool-watch designers Nooka to produce a very colourful watch!

The watch features a striped polyurethane band with a black ZenV display. Nooka is now taking presale orders for the watch and the orders will ship out June 29th.

Only 200 watches available – $275

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