Tales of Auto Elasticity
Chris Labrooy digitally manipulates the shape of vehicles
Vehicles take on a life of their own in Chris Labrooy’s art series Tales of Auto Elasticity. In this art series, he features vibrantly coloured retro looking trucks distorting into unrealistic shapes. These distortions were inspired by Labrooy’s own imagination. By skillfully using digital manipulations, Labrooy make these images look as though they are real functional forms that have been constructed. He used abandoned parking lots as the backdrop for his work and sets up interlocking Fords and trucks, which are elongated and twisted in the images. Both manipulated vehicle fit perfectly around each other, creating a pretzel- like bizarre form. Its as if the vehicles are having a conversation with each other. His same fascination can also be observed in his series Auto Aerobics. See more of his work on his Website. Â
Images from Artist Website