Stunning bio-macro photographs by Linden Gledhill
Biochemist-turned-photographer captures intriguing images of butterfly and moth wings

Biochemist-turned-photographer Linden Glendhill has combined his two fields of expertise to create this photography series which studies the structure of butterfly and moth wings. Playing with different levels of biomagnifications, he captures amazing psychedelic images of the wings. The intricate patterns and details of the wings are captured with incredible precision, showcasing the shimmer and gradients similar to that of beaded work. These images could be likened to those from the colourful childrens’ book Rainbow Fish. Glenhill compiled this series by collecting specimens of different species, documenting them and then photographing them using an automated macro-focusing rail. It is impossible to recognize that these are images of the wings of flying species. However, Glenhill presents an intriguing perspective of the insect kingdom.
See more of Linden Glenhill’s photography here!
Images courtesy of Linden Glenhill via DesignBoom