Stage of Mind – Jee Young Lee
Young Korean artist Jee Young Lee explores surreal and psychedelic spaces through set-design and photography in her self-portraits.

The exhibition “Stage of Mind” by young Korean artist Jee Young Lee, explores surreal and psychedelic spaces through set-design and photography. Believe it or not, these hauntingly perfect dreamscapes involved no Photoshop or photo manipulation of any kind.
With the precision that Jee Young works with, each set often takes weeks or months of work. The magic happens in the artist’s small 3,6 x 4,1 x 2,4-meter studio in Seoul.
As soon as the sets are done, the artist incorporates herself in them in various ways and takes the self-portrait shots. Inspired by her personal life or old traditional Korean fables, Jee Young’s work is a deep self-reflection for the artist and a means to explore her psychological identity and each set in its own tells a different story.
These pictures will allow you to experience an enchanting world coming to life through her eyes.
The Little Match Girl
Treasure Hunt
Food Chain
Panic Room