Mobile Hexagonal-shaped Sauna
Chinese Studio Archiplein designs unique sauna to fight against the cold climate

First conceived by Shanghai-based architecture company Archiplein in 2012, the mobile sauna project was created in response to the harsh winters endured that year. The company collaborated with architects P.cauderay, L. Banchini, R. Fulop, L. Vaissade and A.banchard to design a mobile structure that could be heated on the inside. In order to maintain the stability and portability of this structure, the challenge of this project was to use as little wood as possible. To ease the setting up of this sauna, the structure is designed such that it consist only of six modular panels that are easily assembled with two truck straps and an extra roof piece. The mobility and simplicity of this design is truly created with social-consciousness.
Archiplein is a Chinese studio that also does landscape planning and urban design projects. Their philosophy is to make “methodological observations of the city” and see these realities as a “source of expression and creation.” Like this project, their other projects involve generating responses to observations of globalization. “We are looking for an alternative approach of the reality, as far as possible from convention, offering a window on a world of new sensations, another way of being in the world, constantly redefining the boundaries.”
Learn more abour archiplein here!
Images from archiplein via designboom