Culture / Art Republik

Hypnotic 3D-printed Fibonacci zoetrope sculptures

John Edmark has mashed together geometry and art to create these 3D printed kinetic sculptures based on the Fibonacci sequence.

Mar 11, 2015 | By Anakin

John Edmark has mashed together geometry and art to create these 3D printed kinetic sculptures based on the Fibonacci sequence.

When spun under a strobe light (the rotation speed is timed so that each flash occurs when the piece turns 137.5 degrees) the sculptures become animated.

The series features four different designs, each based on the famous mathematical Fibonacci sequence.

Each design comprises various appendages that are positioned on the sculpture with the same method found in the natural world on pinecones and sunflowers.

Edmark is known for his work merging the forces and patterns of the natural world and his focus on geometry. His website states: “Through kinetic sculptures and transformable objects, I strive to give viewers access to the surprising structures hidden within apparently amorphous space.”

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