Anish Kapoor installs a whirlpool of black water that spins endlessly into gallery floor

Legendary Indian artist Anish Kapoor created his installation “Descension” specially for the kochi-muziris biennale (India’s biennale for contemporary art). Kapoor’s captivating installation plays with illusion and perspective, featuring a large-scale moving scupture on the gallery floor that looks like a caged vortex of blak water spinning down. What appears to be a perpetual whirlpool frothing and churning into the ground draws observers to imagine the depths of the circular space created on the ground. Kapoor’s masterful play with boundaries keeps them constantly entranced by the possibilities that could exist in the harrowing space. This installation was put on display in the Aspinwall House in Fort Kochi, a meaningful location because of the peaceful sea surrounding it, creating a striking contrast to the powerful whirling vortex Kapoor has created.
Learn more about the installation and the artist on his website here.