Cicret Bracelet
This product design lets you access your smartphone on your forearm

Now you have access to your smartphones even in the shower! Introducing the Circret Bracelet- a wristband that projects the screen of your smartphone onto your arm. Conceptualized by a Paris-based design company, this device emits the interface of a remotely connected mobile device onto the forearm or inner wrist of the user, allowing them to perform similar tasks that they could with the actual device. Users will be able to check facebook, send emails and even pick up phone calls from a touch of their forearm. It is marketed as “a tablet…but on your skin”.
“The pico projector projects the interface on your arm. When you put your finger on the interface, you stop one of the 8 long range proximity sensor[s]. The sensors sends the information back to the processor which is in your Cicret Bracelet.”
As of now, the Circret Bracelet is still being developed and are in the process of raising more funding to build its first prototype. If fully realized, the product will be available in two sizes (16gb and 32gb) and ten colors. You can visit this site to help further develop this revolutionary concept.
via My Modern Met