Mehmet Gozetlik translates famous logos into chinese with his series of neon signs
In his captivating series Chinatown, turkish artist Mehmet Gozetlik takes popular western trademarks and logos and translates them into chinese letters in neon signs. For example, 7-11 and the pepsi logo is presented with its description embedded in the sign in neon letters. These signs bring to mind images from the various Chinatowns or asian marketplaces around the world. They are very similar to those hanging at street corners in places such as Hong Kong and Beijing. The neon signs are made from handblown painted glass with each letter stenciled out and designed from a printed drawing. Each logo Mehmet chose has three colors or less (as it has been proven that the brain can only handle six choices at once). Hence, this is also a reflective of corporate culture and market, and explains why these trademarks of multinational corporations are kept simple and clear. The irony presented by Gozetlik in this series is that, most of the time, the logo itself is recognizable on its own, and the words are unnecessary.Â
Mehmet Gözetlik is an award-winning artist. He is currently the executive art director and Co-Founder of Antrepo, a typography instructor at the Bilgi University, and a creative consultant in ID Istanbul. Learn more about the artist and his work here.Â
via beautiful decay