Chalk masterpieces by Dangerdust
Dangerdust create chalk masterpieces in empty classrooms

Two students from the Columbus College of Art and Design leave fellow classmates spellbound on a weekly basis. Sneaking into classrooms on Sunday or Monday night, the seniors in Advertising and Graphic Design known as Dangerdust create masterpieces with just chalk. Their masterpieces range from chalk drawings of landscapes to typography. They often include quotes found by them or suggested by fellow schoolmates. The chalkboards have seen the words of Banksy, Mark Twain and Julia Child. Dangerdust tell Buzzfeed, ““We wanted something that would motivate us to get up and do work every week, but we also wanted to share the motivation and inspiration with the students and faculty at our school.” Each design can take up to 6 hours, with the longest having been 11 hours in one sitting. “We always do it in one fell swoop and don’t take breaks. Except dance breaks.”