Best Art Vinyl 2013
Michael Kagen takes home the title of the Best Art Vinyl of 2013

As 2014 begins to kick into full gear, it is the perfect time to look back on some of the best that 2013 had to offer, starting with the recently annnounced winners of the Best Art Vinyls of 2013.
Michael Kagan’s oil painting for the cover of White Lies record took the honour of being named the Best Art Vinyl of 2013. ‘Repent Replenish Repeat’ by Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip with artwork by Paul Jackson came in runner-up, followed by Bonobo’s ‘North Borders’ designed by Leif Podhajsky in third.
Kagan’s portrayal of astronauts, which in its original form is oil on canvas draws its ties with the early space initiative ‘Project Mecury’, highlighting kagan’s predisposition to revolve his work around iconic images.
The founder of the Best Art Vinyl award Andrew Heeps comments:
“In an era with a heavy focus on the digital music format, it is interesting to see that the public prefers such a traditional artistic technique as oil on canvas to associate with music. With the music industry reporting increases in vinyl record sales for the 9th consecutive year, this traditional music format is seriously having a renaissance. Over a quarter of vinyl records are now sold as wall art, adding visual appeal to the high quality listening experience. It is therefore clearly apparent that the Best Art Vinyl Award has highlighted the amazing affordable art available to us all through over 60 years of record cover art and design, and continues to do so.”
Here are some of the top 50 vinyls for 2013..
‘Repent Replenish Repeat’
‘North Borders’
“Judge Jury and Executioner”
“Sequel to the prequel”
“Blue Rider”
“The weight of your love”
To view the full list of the top 50 art vinyls of 2013, please visit