Basic House
Martin Azua strips a home to its bare minimum

To be basic is to reduce and strip to the bare minimum. Martin Azua has created a prototype of a ‘basic house’, one that is incredibly minimalist and purely functional. Negating ideas that a home must contain material possessions, Basic House instead represents extreme reduction. Basic Home is made of metalled polyester and self-inflates with body heat, or heat from the sun. Azura describes its combination of simplicity and functionality saying ‘…so simple and versatile that it protects us from the cold and from the heat when reversed; so light that it floats; and moreover, it folds up and fits into your pocket. Ideal for a life on the move without material ties. Having everything without having almost anything.’
Basic House is part of the MOMA permanent collection in New York since 2007.
Photo Credit: Daniel Riera
Find out more about Martin Azua here!