Breaking Time Barrier with Supersonic Business Jet
Aerion is working with Lockheed Martin and GE Aviation to develop the world’s first supersonic business jet, imbuing new aerodynamics, new engines, and the capabilities of the largest producer of supersonic aircraft.
The Concorde supersonic jet was arguably “the zenith of aviation” at one point of time. It was established by the British Aircraft Corporation and France’s Aérospatiale with an aim to transport passengers in the fastest way possible in less than 3.5 hours between New York and London.
However, due to the rising cost of fuel that was needed to fly supersonically (said to be twice as much as a Boeing 747) and the high maintenance required to upkeep most of the parts, revenues for every dollar dropped. On some days, when seats weren’t fully booked and the jet plane carried fewer passengers, they flew 45 miles per ton of gas versus today’s 120 miles, that also literally had outdone the revenue.
The first flight was made in 1969 and had been in service for 27 years until it decided to stop flying in 2003.

Aerion AS2
Breaking Time Barrier with Supersonic Business Jet
Since the demise of Concorde, and fourteen years later, today, the supersonic business travel could become the future. With the new Aerion AS2, targeting business travellers who are looking for cheaper alternatives and also to cut down on their travelling time, Aerion and Lockheed Martin, leaders in supersonic technology have recently announced their partnership. The companies aim to bring World’s first supersonic business jet, the Aerion AS2, to meet the demands of the supersonic passenger flight.
Both companies will work closely to develop a framework over the next 12 months to ensure all phases of the programme, including engineering, certification and production are absolute.
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics mentioned that they are excited to work with Aerion on their development of the next-generation, efficient supersonic jet that will potentially serve as a platform for pioneering future supersonic aircraft.
The firm partnership followed by the signing of MOU, was the result of extensive discussions between Aerion and Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works® Advanced Development Programs team.
“We are committed to remain on the cutting edge of aerospace technology and are excited to examine the contribution we might make to work with Aerion on making aviation history.” – Orlando Carvalho, Executive Vice President, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics.
While Aerion Chairman Robert M. Bass has this to say, “This relationship is absolutely key to creating a supersonic renaissance. When it comes to supersonic know-how,” he adds that “Lockheed Martin’s capabilities are well known, and, in fact, legendary. We share with Lockheed Martin a commitment to the long-term development of efficient civil supersonic aircraft.”
Pushing Boundaries of What is Possible
For close to 75 years, Skunk Works has existed to create revolutionary aircraft. Lockheed Martin is known for developing some of the world’s leading supersonic combat aircraft, such as the F-16, the F-35, F-22 and the Mach 3+ SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft. Lockheed Martin will continue to push boundaries and show its commitment to foster new innovations and develop supersonic technologies with civil and commercial applications.
A Glimpse of the Interior on-flight Aerion AS2

Aerion advanced the aerodynamics and structural design of the AS2 through a previous engineering collaboration agreement with Airbus.
For two and a half years, the two companies have been developing a preliminary design of wing and airframe structures, systems layout, and preliminary concepts for a fly-by-wire flight control system.
In May 2017, GE Aviation announced an agreement with Aerion to define a supersonic engine for the AS2. The latest announcement with Lockheed Martin further positions Aerion as the leader in the nascent sector of civil supersonic aviation.

Interior view of the Aerion AS2
The interior features a beautifully elegant cream-brown palette to exemplify the space and create a sense of luxurious feel. The gold tone warms up the ambiance and adds a touch of finesse to the already vibrant and edgy design. The cabin is very spacious for maximum comfort and smart technology enables cabin controls to provide passengers a fuss-free experience.
In addition to the Airbus’ contribution to the programme, the Aerion AS2 will soon be a reality for business travellers to fly to the locations around the world and enjoy the ultimate travelling experience.