Culture / Art Republik

The Map Is Not The Territory

Artist creates self portrait using a computer his own blood

Sep 07, 2014 | By Staff Writer

In his latest solo art show titled The Map is Not The Territory, Brooklyn-based artist Ted Lawson will create a life-sized portrait rendered in his own blood. Lawson will feed blood to a computer numerical control machine using a technology similar to a 3D Printer. The machine jots individual faint dots and this results in elegant silhouette that can be admired once the drawing is completed. His blood will be used by the machine to draw a life-sized portrait on three-dimensional wall-mounted pieces made from MDF Wood. Lawson’s rationale for using blood together with computer is that it challenges the notion that artists are disconnected from their art when new technology is used. This bold artwork examines the intimate relationship between an Artist and his work, as well as the power of using new technology in Art. 

 The Map Is Not The Territory

The Map Is Not The Territory 1

The Map Is Not The Territory 2

The Map Is Not The Territory 3

The Map Is Not The Territory 4

The Map Is Not The Territory 5

The Map Is Not The Territory 6




Visit Ted Lawson’s Website Here

via Beautiful Decay

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